Friday, July 26, 2024

Mediterranean Cruise (P&O Cruise)

Well, almost a year has passed since our First Ever Cruise (Norway) that inspired us to book our Second Cruise, a 7-night cruise around the Med on P&O Azura. So in June 2024 we set off for Malta from Bristol Airport (our first time flying post Covid), where boarding of cruise Ships take place in the port of Valletta.

P&O Azura docked in Valletta

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sussex (1066 country)

The year was 1066, and the Anglo-Saxon period was about to come to an end at the hands of the French!. This I am sure sounds like very familiar history to us Brits, and perhaps even to others around the world that had the year "1066" drummed into them at primary school. It was in October 1066 that William, Duke of Normandy (later known as "William the Conqueror") defeated King Harold during the Battle of Hastings, taking the crown for himself.
The modern day location of the battle site is managed by English Heritage, and it is a fascinating site. The ruins of Battle Abbey are part of the site (founded by William), and interpretive plaques around the site recall the timeline of the battle. The Bayeux tapestry in France recalls the battle in picture form.

The lower field where the Normans attacked from

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Norwegian Fjords (P&O Cruise)

The Norwegian Fjords (and Scandinavia in general) have been a "bucket list" destination for us since moving back to Europe in 2019. The yearning to visit Norway could perhaps be because we spent 20 years living in the Rocky Mountains, or perhaps maybe because we loved touring New Zealand in 2007 & 2009.  Norway certainly has mountains like the Rockies and New Zealand, and also shares stunning Fjords with New Zealand too, but there is so much more to explore also. (Click on any image for the best viewing experience).

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Eriba Adventures (Western Scotland)

Touring Scotland has been a bucket list item of mine for many years, but especially since "moving back" to the UK in 2019. We all know though what happened in early 2020 "Covid-19", so 2022 is really the first time since then that "most" Brits have been able to roam "freely". Camping has seen a real boom during the Covid period, and appears to be here to stay, so it seemed fitting that we toured Scotland in our little Eriba Puck (our first caravan, but certainly not our first camping experience).

The Eriba brand dates back some 60 years, and has a somewhat cult like following (similar to VW campervans). Our Puck is the smallest model, and is no longer manufactured, so is quite collectible, and a real head turner on campsites.

Our little Eriba Puck "Daisy Mae"

Thursday, October 14, 2021

2020 - Lockdown in Dorset

Many times through 2020, I often thought to myself "what a year to choose to re-settle back in the UK", having spent 20 years in the USA, moving to rural Dorset (southwest England) in December 2019. 2020 looked like being a year of few adventures, and a lot of couch time.

But, despite 2020 being extraordinary, unprecedented, and often frustrating; the one thing that remained the same was the natural beauty that surrounds us all. This natural beauty we were all still allowed to access thankfully, albeit with certain restrictions.

As is common these days in Southern England, the winters are wet and mild, and often cloudy; but when you get a crisp clear winter day, the Dorset coast is a great place to head for virtually tourist free (even in normal years) stunning scenery.

Golden Cap