Colorado weather in February is like gambling, you just never know what cards you are going to be dealt. I could swear when you are planning cycle rides, the weather gods like to mess with your head. This often makes it quite challenging, but at the same time alot of fun.
The St. Vrain Chain Gang Cycling Club is a recreational group I founded a couple of years ago, and now run with another fellow cyclist/friend. We often have 2 rides per weekend, one being a skinny tyre road ride, the other a dirt/CX ride.
The weather forecast was looking real good for this weekend (about time after 3 weeks of basement riding due to snow). Well, refer back to first paragraph above - I think the odds of me hitting a bulls-eye on a dart board, while blindfolded, are greater than the chance the weather folks get the forecast accurate :). It "should" of been sunny and warm for our road bike ride, it actually turned out to be 95% overcast and down right nippy!. Still a great time was had by all, even if 75% of us were under dressed!.
Our dirt/CX ride turned out to be a little better, cold (low 30's starting out), but Sunny at least. We picked a route that took us along a dirt commuter trail; outbound this was certainly a test of our winter bike handling skills, and inbound it was a test of our mud handling skills!. Ice, Mud, Water, Snow we came across it all!. It was a great weekend to be out with the "Gang", as always!. Sunday bonus was 2 Golden Eagles fly across our path, got to love Colorado!.
Ride safe and often!.
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